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I keep pinching myself that we’re actually here–this trip to Beijing has been a daydream of ours ever since we received Nico’s referral and started planning for Shawn’s parental leave. So much depended on how little Han Kun transitioned into our family and what he needed. That first day in Nanjing he surprised us with […]

Autumn Adventure

I suppose it’s time we made an official announcement, considering we leave in less than a week … We’re going to Beijing! For three months! With Shawn on parental leave and me part of the remote workforce, we realized we could take an extended vacation this fall, and China was our first destination of choice. […]


Last Wednesday I took Nico to CHEO to see the plastic surgeon, and he got the go-ahead to remove his arm restraints. He can feed himself again, thank goodness! He will still be on soft foods for another three weeks. His palate is healing nicely, so the surgeon says. He does have a remaining cleft […]

Halfway There

Nico at the hospital, May 2009 from SdR on Vimeo. Today marks the halfway point in Nico’s recovery from palate repair surgery. The hardest part is definitely behind us. He’s adjusting so well! I want to write a bit more about how things went in the hospital and afterward. It might be useful for others […]

What’s Up with Nico?

The short version: Nico is healthy and his development looks good. He has palate repair surgery scheduled for Thursday, May 21, and this time he’s not sick so it appears the surgery will go ahead! The long version after the jump … (more…)