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Bring Us to Light and Life

All are welcomed to the baptism of Nico Han-Kun Gresik de Raaf to be held on the Fifth Sunday in Easter (Mother’s Day), May 10th, 2009 at 10:00 am at the Church of the Ascension, 253 Echo Drive, Ottawa, Ontario

Plans Change

I’m working on a long post about Nico’s health and development, plus we’ve got news and pictures from Lia’s birthday and Easter. But I wanted to quickly report that Nico was supposed to have palate repair surgery in two days, and it’s been postponed because he’s got a cold and possible ear infection. The new […]


After the turmoil of our trip, we are finally approaching equilibrium. Daylight savings time was another bump in the sleep schedules, but I think we’re almost in the clear on that front: Nico slept from 8 pm to 7:30 am the last two nights! But just when we’re settling back into our normal routines, I […]


“You belong to love as wheels belong to roads, as grapes belong to the blossoming of taste, as corn belongs to crows, as shadows belong to the ache of heat, as happiness belongs to the capricious pangs of the soul.” –Wolff Bowden I am blissed out on my son. His skin is as soft as […]

Han Kun

A few shots of Han Kun. (more…)