Archive | February 2009 RSS feed for this section

Shanghai from Sky, Sea, and Street

Click here for a slideshow of today’s photos. Bit of a rough morning: we goofed on Lia’s sleep re-education yesterday, and let her nap too long in the afternoon. So she was bouncing around our hotel room for many of the wee hours. I think the aroma of rice crackers will forever be connected with […]

Day 2 – Jetlagged in Shanghai

Click here for a slideshow of our China pictures so far. After an early morning flight to Toronto, we met up with Oma, Opa and Uncle Kevin outside International Departures at Pearson–it was great fun to be able to visit with the latter two before Oma, Ali, Lia and I boarded our long flight to […]

Day 1 – Ottawa to Shanghai

Last Day

We’re all feeling a little under the weather today with colds all around. Good thing we’re nearing the end of our trip. After a bit of a late rise (finally no more 6:30 wake-up calls!), we started the day with a trip to Mao’s mausoleum. I’m happy to report that he’s still looking good despite […]

10 Months Old

Happy 10 months, my little bao bao. Tonight will mark five full days that we have been together. And what a five days those have been! This morning as I held you while you fell asleep, you whispered “ba ba”. We are slowly becoming a family. Your ba ba