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Kick-Ass Chinese Massage = Awesome Birthday

We have about ten zillion things to blog about, but I’m going to describe my Chinese body massage for you because 1) it was all kinds of awesome and 2) if I don’t do it now I might forget. Shawn found the Bodhi Therapeutic Retreat for me. The massage was in a private room and […]

Temple of the Sun

Today I took the bold step of venturing out on a field trip with both kids by myself. I have so far been intimidated by the idea of managing both kids out on my own as I’m unable to use our double stroller much beyond our complex, not to mention on the subway. The streets […]

Settling In

We’ve finally managed to find and move into an apartment here in Beijing. Our first apartment fell through so we moved to a cheaper hotel while our friend looked for something else. The search didn’t take long, however, as she learned that friends of hers were going back to their home province for the next […]


I keep pinching myself that we’re actually here–this trip to Beijing has been a daydream of ours ever since we received Nico’s referral and started planning for Shawn’s parental leave. So much depended on how little Han Kun transitioned into our family and what he needed. That first day in Nanjing he surprised us with […]

Autumn Adventure

I suppose it’s time we made an official announcement, considering we leave in less than a week … We’re going to Beijing! For three months! With Shawn on parental leave and me part of the remote workforce, we realized we could take an extended vacation this fall, and China was our first destination of choice. […]