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Jet Lag Bites

This is literally the first moment I’ve had to myself in six days or so. Since we left the hotel in Beijing, I’ve either been up with Nico or sleeping. He’s been slow to switch over to Canadian time, which means he sleeps from 7 pm to 2 am and then gets up and wants […]

Last Days in Beijing

view larger We’ve reached that point in the trip where we are ready to go home. We’ve still enjoyed some great sightseeing, food, and company in the last few days, but we’ll be glad to sleep in our own beds again. (And we’ve made a mental note: next time pay the extra for a suite! […]

Playing around in the hotel room

Temple of Heaven

view larger Sunday morning we finally got to sleep in, and the children snoozed until 7:30 am! Loverly. In the afternoon we chose a short outing to the Temple of Heaven (it’s quite a luxury to have total control over our itinerary). The air was nippy but we enjoyed the stroll through the grounds and […]

The Great Wall

Yesterday we had a chance to spend a cold yet sunny morning visiting the Great Wall. Since we’ve been before, our driver took us a little further afield to a different section at Badaling. It was fun thinking what a difference two years makes. Last time, Lia was just a baby, sleeping all the way […]