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Last Day

We’re all feeling a little under the weather today with colds all around. Good thing we’re nearing the end of our trip. After a bit of a late rise (finally no more 6:30 wake-up calls!), we started the day with a trip to Mao’s mausoleum. I’m happy to report that he’s still looking good despite […]

The Seductions of China

We had a windy day for our trek through Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. The bus dropped us at Zhengyang Gate and we walked the long way around Mao’s Mausoleum towards the Gate of Heavenly Peace, mounted with Mao’s portrait. My mom really wanted to see Mao in his crystal coffin, so we may […]

The Checkup

Medicals today. We left the hotel at 8:15 am and didn’t return until 1 pm. We had the exams at an international clinic in the embassy district. The doctor who checked out Lia was from Montreal. Apart from a cold, Lia is in excellent health. At 16 pounds and 69 cm long, she’s at the […]

Up the Great Wall and Down Again

Today was the epic visit to the Great Wall of China. Things didn’t start off well–after recovering from last week’s cold, I went to bed with a sore throat last night and was much worse this morning. I thought I had strep, and spoke to the pediatrician travelling with us who had some extra antibiotics. […]

Rest Day in Beijing

We’re now back in Beijing at the International Hotel. This hotel feels much more upscale after our experience at the Gloria in Nanchang, with MUCH more comfortable beds. We’re not complaining about our experience in Jiangxi though, as the warmer climate certainly made up for any lack of creature comforts. This morning I was happy […]