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Quiet Day

A shorter post today as the day was relatively uneventful. This morning Alison ordered a chop, or stamp, which will have Lia’s Chinese name embossed on it, as well as a scroll with our family names in Chinese. We should receive them when we get back to Beijing. After lunch a group of us took […]

A Good Day

It’s not even been 48 hours since we received her, and we already feel as though we’ve known little Lia forever (we’re still mostly calling her by her Chinese name as it’s what she responds to). We couldn’t be a better match for each other, and she seems equally comfortable with both of us. She […]

Rare Smile

We couldn’t resist posting a photo of Lia’s smile, even though she only looks this way for one percent of the time at the moment. We had a good night, with Lia sleeping in bed between us. She woke at 2:30 am and again for good at 5:30 am, but she’s had several short naps […]

Here She Is!

Click the photo to see more shots of Lia Na-Fei at Flickr There’s a little firebrand fast asleep on our bed right now. She’s everything she was billed to be, and then some. This girl doesn’t have a “big cry” (as her referral described her), she has a huge cry, as she screamed bloody murder […]

Eve of Adoption Day

Day 2 in Beijing has been more active. Shawn started the morning with an early run to Tiananmen Square, in time to catch the flag raising ceremony. He felt a little conspicuous as one of only three runners on the streets downtown, but the exercise and fresh air were invigorating. Next came a rickshaw tour […]