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Intro to Beijing

We’ve had a nice slow first day in Beijing. Up at seven, breakfast buffet at eight. Mom left for the Summer Palace at ten, and we hung out in our hotel room until after eleven. The Internet is a wonderful thing–we love being able to stay in touch with people when we’re so far away. […]

First Light

View from our hotel room this morning.


We made it to Beijing safe and sound, all luggage intact and only a bit behind schedule. There were 7 of us families travelling early together on the flight from Vancouver. Alison slept only a few hours on the plane, and she’s in her pyjamas crashed out on the bed at the moment. Brenda and […]

Adoption Journey Soundtrack

For our Post-Wedding Tour Extravaganza (honeymoon), Alison and I put together a couple of mix-tapes (iPod generation click here) of songs that meant a lot to us during the weeks and months leading up to our nuptials. The other day I came up with the idea to do something similar for our adoption trip, and […]