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Can it be? Today is the day we leave China after our three-month odyssey. (more…)


Almost a week later, we are still absorbing the impact of our visit to Lia’s hometown. What an intense day. I am journalling about it privately because so much of it feels too personal to share, but we did want to post a few highlights. (more…)

Hong Kong: Sun, mitten crab and beer

Last week I flew down to Hong Kong to meet up with my friend and SRDC colleague, Taylor, who was home for the week visiting family. Taylor graciously took two days out of his limited home time to show me around his city and introduce me to his friends, and I in turn gave him […]

Things I Am Proud of Having Figured Out in Beijing

How to receive a Western Union wire transfer. Only required two trips and a total of two hours at the Postal Savings Bank of China (not to mention my mom’s two trips to Money Mart). Tip: Make sure the sender uses the exact name of the sendee as shown on his or her passport. Including […]

First Snow

We had quite the cold snap hit Beijing this weekend. On Thursday we were walking around the Chinese Ethnic Culture Park in our short sleeves, and Sunday morning we woke to this: An expat who has been living here for quite a few years said that this was the most snow he’s ever seen in […]